To all my lovely clients, old and new.
Its now been a week since I have not been treating, with advice from the IRSM (The Institute for Soft Tissue Therapists). Since then so much has happened. On Monday 23rd March, Boris Johnson advised that should only leave our house for shopping essentials, medical help and to exercise once a day.

I've spent the past few weeks worrying, like everyone else, on not only what will happen to my business, but what am I going to do with myself with all this time?! I've tried to turn all my negative thoughts into positive ones.
I want to stay connected with my clients, so I have started posting daily on my social media. If you check out my Instagram and Facebook you will find videos of stretches, workouts and anything that I am doing to keep me busy… mainly picking on my brothers working posture!
I'm also using this free time to spend an hour every morning doing something that makes me feel good. There are so many free online videos circulating at the moment, so find something you like and get in a routine of doing it every day.
So, in this time of uncertainty, try and find positives, find thing that make you smile,
keep to a routine and find time to exercise the mind and body.
If you have any questions or want to contact me - please do, I’m here to help.